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Supermarket Shakeup:
Chaos at the Cashier

by The Green A-Team

Stumped at the supermarket with accelerating food costs and so-called Green products in place of your trusted brands?

The days of the $50 grocery bag are swiftly approaching. U.S. food prices are up 4 percent in 2007, the most dramitic leap in food inflation in 17 years according to the USDA. Dairy farms are being swallowed up by larger conglomerates, heat waves in Europe and California have caused a hiccup in production, the demand from emerging markets and the weak dollar are all factors leading up to one thing - stress on your wallet.

Your food shopping frustratiion may also be compounded by the array of new products on the shelves with claims of “environmental friendliness.” It’s true that by the purchase of some Green cleaning products, recyclable paper products, organic meat and produce is ultimately a step in the right direction; however, you may find it more effective to change the way in which you use the products you may already have in your home.

The cleaning powers of baking soda, castille soap, lemon juice, and white vinegar are all extremely effective and very inexpensive items. Also, substituting disposable paper products for cloth napkins and dish towels can help see your household through to a thrifty and earth-concious solution to this supermarket shakeup.

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