Posts Tagged ‘flooring’

Spring Greening:
The Natural Living Room

by The Green A-Team

Spring has officially SPRUNG and among waging the allergy battle suffered by millions, the fight against clutter, dust, and debris in the home reaches its annual showdown - SPRING CLEANING!

Rather than chucking your collections to the curb, consider this the perfect time to do some Spring Greening in addition to your cleaning. As you wander around the house with this in mind, take a close look at some of the elements already in your home. Your living room, for instance; Do you have carpeting or flooring? Is it made of natural fibers or synthetic? Is the flooring of an environmentally preferred material?

The manufacture of most inexpensive carpets for the home involves synthetic fibers, which are usually made up of one of three materials: nylon, polypropylene or polyester. All three are created by similar chemical processes using oil and natural gas. Once the carpets are installed, they can trap years of tracked-in dirt, animal dander, molds and fungi that create a potent mix of allergens giving you and your family everything from sore throats to asthma attacks.

Intead of just vacuuming that old rug, try replacing it with a surface you can clean easily. Rugs made of natural fibers that can be removed and laundered are your safest bet. If you’re in the position to make a more drastic change, eliminate the wall-to-wall monster altogether and install a floor made of bamboo or cork. It’ll make for happier Greening for years to come!


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